John Atherton – GIBCA Extended

9. sep – 15. sep @ 00:00 –

Utställningen pågår:
9. sep - 15. sep

ABOUT THE EXHIBTION: A found 1987 school yearbook, a symbolic rite of passage, a celebration, the transition to adulthood. It’s images are carefully constructed, students hide their true identities beneath carefully choreographed American high school cliches; facades depicting what being at high school should really look like; fragmented. Colonization through media. An American export; 400 years old. Assembling the works in rows, Atherton reenacts the yearbook format this time with all traces of the sitter removed; a fragment of a fragment. A new audience, one outside of the intended, is invited to respond with their own personal and private speculations. Facets, folds, and facades. 

OM UTSTÄLLNINGEN: En hittad skolbok 1987, en symbolisk övergångsrit, en fest, övergången till vuxenlivet. Det är bilder som är noggrant konstruerade, eleverna gömmer sina sanna identiteter under noggrant koreograferade amerikanska gymnasieklichéer; fasader som visar hur gymnasiet verkligen borde se ut; fragmenterad. Kolonisering genom media. En amerikansk export; 400 år gammal. Genom att montera verken i rader återskapar John Atherton årbokformatet, den här gången med borttagna spår av eleven; ett fragment av ett fragment. En ny publik, en publik utanför den avsedda, bjuds in att svara med sina egna personliga och privata spekulationer. Facetter, veck och fasader.

ABOUT GIBCA : Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art (GIBCA) is an international contemporary art event taking place every two years in Gothenburg. Each biennial consists of several extensive exhibitions in Gothenburg’s established cultural institutions and in the public space.
GIBCA Extended is both a network and a public program that gathers the contemporary art scenes and venues of Västra Götaland Region. Each edition of GIBCA Extended offers a platform for artists, curators, galleries and art spaces. Their individual programs and exhibitions consolidate and explore new perspectives on the biennal’s theme.